Arts Board Match is curated for business professionals and entrepreneurs to gain easy access to a resource of vital information about non-profit boards and highlights the powerful benefits of joining a board. Open our in depth TOOLKIT to get an overview about what board members do, find a survey you can take to find the type of board that would be best for you and learn about the amazing business benefits for becoming active on a board. We also provide you with a list of questions before you join a board. When you connect with one of our arts groups and set up a meet and greet you will be knowledgeable.
What Does A Board Do?
The board is the governing body for the nonprofit. It sets policy and provides resources for the group. Here is an overview. Setting the policy for the organization.
- Creating or updating the mission and vision statements.
- Determining the organization’s programs and services.
- Developing and approving the strategic plan at annual board planning retreat.
Developing Resources for the organization:
- Developing and approving the annual budget
- Fundraising, by directly donating to the non-profit and soliciting donations from others.
- Raising sufficient funds for the organization.
- Having a written giving policy for the board
Monitoring the organization’s operations:
- Soliciting and reviewing program evaluations.
- Working with and providing support to the executive Troubleshooting as necessary. Serving as a public figure for the organization
- Advocating for the organization.
- Doing outreach with your clients, colleagues and with other organizations on behalf of the group.
Fulfilling other board responsibilities
- Documenting policies and decisions to create an organizational memory.
- Preparing for and attending board meetings.
- Researching and discussing issues before decisions are made.
- Keeping the board vibrant and active by suggesting and vetting potential new members